John's First Birthday Session {Collingwood Muskoka Family Photographer}
John is gonna be a little heart breaker when he grown up I tell ya! I mean, look at those ocean blue eyes and his cheeky little grin. Plus this little man is just so full of joy and curiosity. I sure had fun with him and his family at my favourite secret photo location! It’s always fun when we can catch some froggies during our session too! Scroll down and you’ll see the photo ;) Plus it’s my way to tell that we are in a really healthy river. You know it’s good clean water when there are fishies and froggies and such thriving in the water :) I once found a full 2 foot fish thrashing around through this river .. still have no idea what it was but it was pretty dang cool and was eager to be on his way!
Also don’t forget to scroll down to the end so you can check out the little movie clip I made with John. Video is certainly not my strong suit but every now and then I like to play with it and give it a test run :P Tell me what you think!